Moving Forward.

Tonight, I had dinner with my oldest friend.  We’ve known each other since the age of 3.  She listened to me ramble on about this venture, for which I’m grateful.  She let me express my continued insecurities about doing this, for which I’m also grateful.  There’s a part of me that keeps hoping if I tell people how insecure about it I am, I’ll eventually have told enough people to realize that I’m no longer insecure.  I don’t actually know if there’s any logic in that.

I told this friend that I was in no rush to get home because I hadn’t figured out what I was going to blog about yet tonight.  She asked me if I had a focus, if I had ideas.  She asked what I had blogged about so far.  As fun as my political rant was last night (and I’m sure it won’t be the last one I do), I told her what I really want to discuss is one of my biggest passions: pop culture.  I want to take the time to analyze the things I love and share with you the wonders of finding out the truth about Voldemort’s horcruxes, or the emotions I feel when I hear any number of musical pieces from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or the wonder (and frustration) and that I feel when I watch The Mindy Project.  My husband has pointed out to me that I don’t have any hobbies (that involve leaving the house), and he’s absolutely right.  This is the world I choose to immerse myself in rather than running out to a book club or to play a sport.  It’s solitary, and it’s all mine.  I’d rather stay up until 2 AM watching my favorite TV show than be out partying.  I’m a true introvert, and I’m proud of it.

I think that’s what this has all been building up to.  I sat in the car tonight with this friend while I listened to myself passionately defend the TV show Angel, and I felt like I was having an out of body experience.  This is what I’m meant to talk about, at least for now.  With writing, I feel that you should push your boundaries.  You should push yourself out of your comfort zone whenever possible.  But you should also write what you know.

So that’s where I’m going to start.  I don’t know if it will last.  I don’t know entirely how it will work yet.  I’ll sleep on it, and there will hopefully be more of a framework and a plan for it tomorrow.  I’m cutting this one short tonight, simply for the fact that I need a good night’s sleep, but I do so in order to gather my strength to take on this project tomorrow.  In the words of the amazing and all powerful Buffy Summers, “Are you ready to be strong?”  Sleep well.


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